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December 19, 2007


Sarah at In the Trenches

I'm one of those "on time" people. Hubby, on the other hand, says "On time means you're late." So we're the bunch that shows up 10 min ahead of schedule and look like dorks.
Yep, that's us.

Mrs. Chicky

Being late happens. I should know - my family plans on me being at least 30 minutes late for every function. Now that I have a toddler I'm even worse! But us tardy people do try, occasionally, to be on time. We often fail, but we try.

Alex Elliot

I'm one of those people that always has to be everywhere early. I have to say that I find it stressful. I bet your mom is very laid back and probably really enjoys getting to and from events.


Sometimes I'm late. It happens. Sometimes it matters; usually it doesn't.

But people who are always late, the way you describe your mother being, make me angry. There's something deliberately clueless, so fundamentally selfish about it... like there's no need to respect anyone else's time. That's just rude.

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