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December 05, 2007


Fairly Odd Mother

Good for you Alex! I can't wait to hear how things go for you and maybe you'll even inspire me to do something healthy. I have that 'old dogs, new tricks' saying in my head lately that I need to erase.

Pinks & Blues Girls

Wow, Alex... I too am going to attempt the Danskin Triathlon! I can swim. I can bike. I can run. "Can" being the operative word. I am not very good at any of them, but at 55, I need to do something challenging for myself. My goal is to train and to finish. My daughter-in-law Nicole trained for this triathlon last year and felt exhilarated that she finished. Actually, she is a great inspiration for me to challenge myself in this endeavor. I am so very excited to know you are doing this too! Can't wait to begin!


SO impressed, you go Alex!

can't wait to hear how it went :-)

Sarah at In the Trenches of Mommyhood

That's awesome! I'll be following your journey. I was going to do the Danskin one last year, but missed the signups, and then discovered I really enjoy running. So hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in a few half marathons this spring!

Ophelia Rising

Good luck to you, with much admiration!

I grew up in Sudbury. It's a nice town - hope you enjoy it!

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