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December 03, 2007



You have a great blog here - so unique to have so many different bloggers from different states unite their skills and perspectives! I've been reading for a few months now and am so glad I found you guys. Happy Holidays!


Hey, love the blog!


Wow! What a great contest. Love being from NE! It's fun to read about places that are so familiar to me and learning about new places to go with the family:)


What a great give-away! I love your design too - it's so fun!


I'm so happy being a New Englander and I love that there are mom's out there writing about it! Thank you.


Enter me please! Great prizes!

email is [email protected]


Your blog makes me wish I were from the New Englad area... and a Mama :) I'm hoping to be the latter by the end of next year though!! Congrats on the new blog! It looks fabulous!


apparently I can't type today - sorry to muck up your comments with typos!! and apologies!


What a great group of bloggers you have here - I love reading even if I'm not from NE! :)

hello insomnia

Ooh, I'm in! I love contests.


Visiting by ways of Chicky! What a great site, and a great give away. Count me in!

moosh in indy.

Can I win honorary New Englander status along with that cool stuff?

bren j.

Fun contest! I was hunting around on Google for other blogs based in New England when I found all of you about a month ago. Hooray!


Ooh I would love to win :D And I don't live in the New England area but woohoo for New England ;) haha!


Great new look! Show your love for the Northwet by giving me prezzies. ;)


I always feel like a New Englander, even though I'm just over the edge in NY.


Count me in. I've got the New England part down, and the mama piece should be falling into place sometime in the next two weeks.


Can Canadians play too? Pretty please?!!!!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah


Just to clarify, I don't have to actually LIVE in New England, do I?


What a great blog! Thanks for the chance to win something!


Purty place you've got here. I'm in Maine. You have some great give aways!


Oooh, cool. I've been eying that diaper bag online. I need something other than the free hospital one.


Mrs. Chicky sent me here to check out the new digs...and I like to do as I'm told.

I'm not in New England, but I am a Mama!


I'm enjoying this blog - even if I don't live in New England - seems some of my favorite bloggers are New Englanders! :)

sandy shoes

Contests? I love contests! Pick me!

Love the blog too; the new home is lovely.

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