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January 01, 2008


Mrs. Chicky

I look forward to your "Ultimate" posts now. This book sounds really interesting. I'll have to check it out.


I needed to read this one, FOM, I've just spent the morning browsing gyms and weight watcher sites (but at least I wasn't snacking while I did it!). You are totally right, of course. For me it's compulsive or mindless eating that is the issue, and I am trying to get myself into a 'get healthy' mindset that doesn't turn into a mindf*ck. Wish me luck!

Sarah at In the Trenches

Great post. I must get that book.

Sarah at In the Trenches

Great post. I must get that book.


I must admit and few who know me actually "know" this but a book saved me... sounds similar..."Over Coming Over Eating" by Carol Hirschmann.

It really opened my eyes to my self destruction. And while I am still not at a weight I want to be at, I am getting healthy and my habits are changing.

Thanks for sharing this.

Alex Elliot

I really like Geneen Roth. Weight and body image are such complex issues. Good for you for finding something that works.

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