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February 01, 2008


Manic Mommy

Dude. *Crossing her fingers and spitting on the ground* We do. not. speak of the rally until my secret lover, Tedy Bruschi, puts on the Superbowl 2008 Champs commemorative baseball cap.

I don't go to the rally, mine is more of an internal celebration. I will of course, vote.

In the Trenches of Mommyhood

It is my intention to be AT the (alleged) parade on Tuesday, camera in hand, zoomed in on Brady's hotness, since I work one street over.

I will also be voting Tuesday night.

Go Democrats! Err...I mean PATRIOTS!


I've done the Red Sox rolling rally twice, and both times left PLENTY of time to vote. Plus mumbles has promised to keep the rally away from polling places. I don't know how, but he says he can. Maybe they'll just roll down storrow drive or something?

I'm not a football fan, but I am a huge Tedi B fan. Oh, that smile. I bet he's the best daddy ever. I'd like to see him in person. Tom B...welll, I'm still mad at him because of the baby thing. And it's too damn cold to go to a rally this time of year anyhow.

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