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March 11, 2008



Oh, my word, you are brilliant.

We're going to Florida on Friday, and I was casting about for something to entertain the kids on the flights. My computer battery won't support a full DVD playing, and I want to keep it compant and something unusual... and our local library has free MP3 downloads of audiobooks. BRILLIANT.

I love you.

(P.S. I'm also addicted to "Intervention." Is that ironic?)


by James Howe

is another great read/listen. It has a mystery genre to it.


SO far, our audio books have been of the 10 minute variety, but if we plan a long car trip, I may try to get a longer one and try it out!


My kids can recite huge passages of Treasure Island thanks to audio books. And they are cultivating AWESOME pirate accents.

I'm going to check of Jim Weiss. Thanks for the tip.

I do get creeped out by dolls coming to life. Toy Story is a nightmare for me.


So you guys liked Desperaux? That was one we just didn't get into. I'm a little afraid of the doll stuff too but love all the suggestions for new listening...

pinks & blues girls

Those titles you listed... they make me wistful for the time in my life when I was required to read them and basically just got through them because it was the assignment. I'd love to re-read all of those books now that I would appreciate them so much more!!

Jane, Pinks & Blues

Jennifer, Snapshot

The Penderwicks is a GREAT book for all ages (one able to listen to a story on up to easily 12 or older--I loved it). I can't speak to the audio book, because we read it, but I know that they do have one. There's also a second book coming out in April featuring this family of girls from age 4 on up to a teen (and their boy sidekick and a big shaggy dog).

Jennifer, Snapshot

The Penderwicks is a GREAT book for all ages (one able to listen to a story on up to easily 12 or older--I loved it). I can't speak to the audio book, because we read it, but I know that they do have one. There's also a second book coming out in April featuring this family of girls from age 4 on up to a teen (and their boy sidekick and a big shaggy dog).

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