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March 05, 2008



Oh my, I have the same thoughts as you. It's amazing to realize that we are moms. Who and when did THAT happen? I am responsible for WHO? How many? It's daunting at times. I'm glad you got out as an adult!

And the whole sledding thing is overrated. I used to be out there in the snow for hours at a time as a kid, but now, forget it. I don't feel like shoveling, never mind sitting in the white, wet stuff!

Fairly Odd Mother

Don't feel too bad. I went out shopping alone the other day and wore snow boots. Yes, snow boots. I have no pride whatsoever.


I got snowpants for the first time last year and they have improved drastically since the ones I wore as a kid!
They aren't bulky at all, and make SUCH a difference in being able to enjoy the snow and cold.

I think I just sounded old and practical, didn't I?


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