I AM DONE CHANGING DIAPERS! (Notice the Seinfeld reference in the title? Well, right now I'm doing the Elaine dance.)
Baby became fully potty-trained in a matter of days. I swear it, you guys.
Get this though: I have had been changing diapers for over 6-1/2 years.
And, in 2004, when Middle was born, both Eldest and Middle were in diapers that summer. Then, a year later, in the summer of '05 when Baby was born, both Middle and Baby were in diapers.
Of course, I'm not so naive to think that we will actually see any savings now that we are a diaper-free Trenches. Oh no.
It's called PRESCHOOL PAYMENTS. And FOOD. *sigh*
So what's your number? How many days/years--in a row--have you changed diapers? Anyone ever have, dare I ask, 3 in diapers at once? (Bless your soul.)
Cross-posted at In the Trenches of Mommyhood