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June 22, 2008



The strawberries look so delicious. Mmmm makes me want to make a shake!

Thanks for sharing this recipe Mommy. :)


How the heck did you get the strawberries to last that long? If we don't use ours within 3 days, they're goners.

Fairly Odd Mother

The photo was taken on the day we picked (Thursday), but we still have a bunch that are in great shape---I read online that they do well if you store them in the refrigerator in a glass container with a glass lid. I have no idea why, but that has worked so far (oh, and don't wash them first; only wash them right before you eat them; only after washing them should you take off the stem). We froze a bunch of them, made two loaves of strawberry bread and even some jam. We may even go and get more but I sense that the kids don't want to see another strawberry for a long, long time!

Chicky Chicky Baby

I'm glad we didn't do the CSA this year since I never would have been able to keep up w/ all those greens! However, next year when we sign up I'll be using your recipes. I like the idea of hiding veggies in smoothies and mashed potatoes.

Mmmm... Mashed potatoes. *drool*

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