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June 14, 2008



Oooh. The kale salad and chard both look great -- may be even I can make those.

Ali B.

I love that you are doing this series! Love it!

The potatoes sound great, and the green-salad-a-day is a good thing.

My favorite thing to do with the turnips are to chop and roast them in a little olive oil. So simple, but really tasty. Couldn't stop eating them. Last year I was so crushed when the turnips finished.


My son seems to love veggies. :D I'd like to try Chard with raisin and peanuts for myself. I really need to love those green leafy recipes. I guess I'll be needing that Sneaky Chef cookbook for myself too?

mrs. q.

Sharon is sending me her famous kale soup recipe... stay tuned.


I would love to hear about how you ended up with your CSA. I've been looking into this for a couple of years, but I never found myself with the time to drive 30 minutes North every week to pick up the veggies. Just this spring, I found a CSA home in Salem and I can't wait until pickups start in a couple of weeks!

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