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July 22, 2008



Your post brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely story.
BTW, the baby in 1968 could easily pass for one of your current children....I imagine that was you?


Aw! This was so nice! Sadly, most of my very secret spaces no longer exist, like the long geranium-filled sewing room at my great-grandmother's house.

Ali Wicks-Lim

Thanks for sharing this. I love the idea of "secret spaces" and your writing is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


So happy I was one of the lucky ones to visit that pond for your wedding, and on other fun-filled occasions. Thanks for sharing it with us!


It sounds like a wonderful place and your post made me feel like I was there! Is that naked D?


This is absolutely beautiful!

Thanks so much for sharing one of your secret spaces.


Y'know, I was just saying to my husband as we floated out in the center of that very same pond that we're lucky enough to live where most people would pay to vacation.

Swimming at six thirty in the morning, with the sun shining while we talk in whispers to each other? Heaven.

Was that my dog that used to accost you? Or Spike? If it was Baxter, I apologize for the drool.

mrs. q.

My hair is still wet from a dip this evening. I still feel like a kid when I swim to the center, turn around, and look back at the dock. Sigh. And then I remember Grandma, who would stop playing the organ (off key) to scream out the window, "I can't save you if you drown out there!" Memories.

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