Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season there is one thing that my family never misses...the lighting of Nubble Lighthouse down in York, Maine.
For a lot of folks, I suppose cutting into a juicy turkey on Thanksgiving, or fighting their way through Black Friday crowds at the sales signifies the start of the holiday season. For me, it doesn't feel like the holidays unless I've watched them flip the switch at Nubble Lighthouse and grinned from ear to ear as the magnificent beacon of safety to mariners is set ablaze with twinkly white Christmas lights!
There's nothing like sitting bundled up with my hubby and kids as we brace ourselves against the brisk and chilly winds blowing off the nighttime Atlantic ocean, steaming cups of hot cocoa in hand, the distant melodic sounds of Christmas carols coming from the cars of those not quite brave enough to sit outside and await the lighting with the rest of the die-hard Nubble fans, and the buzz and hum of conversation from those sat around us on the rocks as we all anxiously anticipate the throwing of the switch!
This year we arrived a little later than we normally do as we were on our way back from upstate NY so we had to vie for a spot amongst all the landscape paparazzi (I'd like to include myself in that category, but I'm unable to this year because I didn't have the right lenses with me! Drat!), but once we were settled and hot cocoa in hand it wasn't long before the beautiful lighthouse was sparkling with a festive gaiety that sets my spirits into full holiday mode!
The entire crowd cheers as Nubble glows with bright white lights against the inky backdrop of the Atlantic ocean and nighttime sky. My three year old, Gaby, breaks into an a capella version of "Dashing Through the Snow" and my teeth begin to chatter as the biting wind starts to sink through the layers I'm bundled in. When Gaby finishes her song I attempt, with nearly frozen fingers, to capture the outline of the lighthouse and end up having to be satisfied with the shots I've gotten as my fingers are becoming numb and my ears start to ache from the cold.
We load everyone back into the car and prepare to leave the Nubble Lighthouse grounds when I grab my husband's arms and yell, "STOP! It's the Christmas tree over at Fox's Lobster House...I MUST GET A SHOT OF THAT!" After nearly sending my ever-loving husband into cardiac arrest, he pulls into a parking spot and humors my need to get a picture of something I have shot year after year since we've lived in Maine...the Christmas tree made entirely of old wooden lobster pots and buoys and then lit up with Christmas lights. Next to the lighting of Nubble Lighthouse, this silly 15 foot Christmas tree is one of my favorite things!
I snap a few quick shots of the "tree" and then jump back into the car, warmed deep inside by such a simple thing as a Christmas tree made out of lobster pots and buoys and then strung with Christmas lights!
I turn to my husband and apologize for nearly bringing on a cardiac event and then tell him that it's official, the holidays are here!
Wow, cool. We visited the Nubble Light House this fall and took many, many pictures - day and night. It would be really cool to see it in the wintertime as well.
Posted by: Margaret | December 14, 2009 at 12:55 PM
that is AWESOME - what good christmas traditions these are :-)
Posted by: SSP | December 15, 2009 at 01:40 AM
Posted by: Linda | December 15, 2009 at 09:11 AM
Makes me nostalgic for the days when I lived in the area. Now it's Northern Maine for me! For now....Beautiful pictures. Happy Holidaze!
Posted by: Candy | December 15, 2009 at 05:15 PM
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Posted by: Asseliideam | September 11, 2011 at 03:52 AM
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Posted by: OffellCleterm | September 17, 2011 at 03:56 AM
[url=]Wczasy[/url] można spędzać jak tylko nam się zapragnie spędzić , począwszy od bardzo obleganych dużych kurortów a skończywszy na małych i cichych kurorcikach . Wiele osób planuje wczasy nad morzem dla tego warto zainwestować nieco czasu i pieniędzy by znaleźć wcześniej miejsce i wynająć odpowiednie pokoje dla nas i przeróżne atrakcje odpowiednio wcześniej. Bardzo ważny jest wybór profilu wakacji, które chcemy spędzić w zależności od tego czy jedziemy sami czy też z rodziną. Nasze wybrzeże oferuje nam bardzo wiele ciekawych i interesujących atrakcji nie tylko w sezonie letnim, ale i również poza sezonem. Warto, więc rozejrzeć się za odpowiednim miejscem, które będzie nam oferować profil wypoczynku, który będzie nam najbardziej odpowiadać. Niektórzy wolą aktywny wypoczynek inni zaś wolą porostu pojechać nad morze po to by się poopalać. Rowerki wodne, skałki, czyste plaże, korty tenisowe i wiele innych ciekawych atrakcji tylko czeka na to by ktoś chciał z nich skorzystać. Oczywiście dla większości z nas głównym wyznacznikiem na pewno będzie cena takich wczasów, więc musimy również rozważyć wiele ofert pod względem atrakcji, które nam oferują i poziomu usług.
Posted by: GrariarpHib | November 15, 2011 at 04:30 AM