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January 18, 2010



oh dear, we get the energy crisis and conservation people calling us several times a day here - but thankfully, no political candidates!

Major Bedhead

I wish I could take out a restraining order against Martha Coakley. The amount of calls I get from her are bordering on harassment.


I have no idea who called more because I didn't answer the phone. Not once. I love caller id almost as much as I love my TiVos.


It is driving me out of my mind. seriously. I feel sorry for people who live in Iowa, if this is what they go through.

Interesting data point: my husband and I are both registered independents. He keeps getting Scott Brown stuff in the mail, while I get the Martha Coakley stuff. Random?


I guess there is something wrong with me because the robocalling cracks me up. Even with caller ID, you don't know who is calling, and you pick up the phone and it's Barak Obama. Or Bill Clinton. Tonight it was Vicky Kennedy.

We haven't gotten all that many calls. Tonight we've had 3 and all were for Coakley. I think Brown fans must know that calling MY house might be a big and foul mouthed mistake. I LOATHE the Playgirl Playmate. LOATHE HIM. He's a whiny dope that doesn't like women. I'd vote for Lyndon Larouche over Brown.

You got push polled, which isn't legal OR fair. And it was Brown 's campaign. Figures.

Fairly Odd Mother

I'm a registered Dem, so I think that's why Scott Brown's camp knows not to call here. It's been all Coakley, all day. I cannot wait until tonight when my phone goes silent again.

My sister got Obama's call and hung up on him and then said, "OhMiGosh, I just hung up on the president". You don't get to say that much.

Christine Sierra

Between the pro-life calls and illegal polls pushing anti-gay sentiment, I wondered if they even looked at the resident's party affiliation before calling them.

I used to work in the business that provided lists to marketers and shame on all of them for abusing the right to call simply because they were political campaigns and NOT held to the same do-not-call standards as businesses.

I could go on and on and on so I will stop. And just vote because the rest of the country is watching us.

T with Honey

I put a special message on our answering machine when it was time for the primaries. It stated that we have resorted to screening all phone calls because of the ridiculous volume of campaign and poll calls we were getting. It didn't stop the phone from ringing but ignoring the phone gave me a little more sanity.

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