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January 12, 2010


Fairly Odd Mother

Sarah, I LOVE this idea----I really need to make this work for us b/c even though I'm not working outside of the home, I find myself facing the kitchen at 5pm thinking, "what now" far too often. . .


I have been doing this for a year. It has changed our life for the better - and our wallets! Good tip too to really sit down and "plan" the week taking into account sports, practices, etc Good luck!


Another great idea to help with family dining/meal planning is MenuForTheWeek.com - a meal planning service that delivers easy to make, affordable, tasty meal ideas straight to your inbox every week! I love it!

Christine Sierra

Since the dream of a private chef cooking for me seems to be just that - a dream - I think we could give this a try. Good for you for keeping up with it.


Do you desire a house but you lack enough cash to acquire it?


I think you are not quite right and you should still studying the matter.


I liked your site, you are very interesting to write. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


I liked your site, you are very interesting to write. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Trading Sytems

I never considered having breakfast for dinner on a regular basis. You've just given me a great idea for our family meals. Thanks for the post!

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