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January 01, 2010



I don't have one yet...

Have you read The Junk Pyramid (http://thejunkpyramid.blogspot.com) ? She has great tips of decluttering the junk out of your life.

Tania - Chicky Chicky Baby

M - I hadn't heard of that blog but I'll go check it out now. Thanks!

Fairly Odd Mother

That's a great resolution! I am super sentimental about stuff but, thankfully, it's mostly books and papers that I care about----toys, baby stuff, clothes--buh, bye!

My resolution was to clean up the office by 2010 and I did do that. But, I still need to order photos from May-December (ugh!) and organize the kids' stuff that I keep for them. I don't scrapbook, but I still try to organize their "memories" for them (me). That would be my biggest New Year project.

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