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February 02, 2010


Trenches of Mommyhood

Wow - these are all great ideas! We tend to get stir crazy and stagnant in my Trenches, so I definitely need to change things up a bit. Our old standby is Movie Night on Fridays (I ALWAYS fall asleep); and we do play old-fashioned BINGO during the week, before bedtime. (And yes, Hubby and I always giggle at O 69.)

Sue Kirchner

We also instituted Friday Night Fun Night at our house to make sure we were scheduling enough quality time with the kids. We do a lot of the same things that you mentioned, so it's nice to see other families enjoying the same activities.

Another Friday Night Fun Activity in our house is Disco Dance Night. My kids and I love to dance so on a Friday night where we really want to burn some energy, we grab the iPod and CDs, crank the music and boogie down. It's great exercise and everyone gets a chance to play their favorite tunes. Every now and then, we turn the lights off and my husband turns a flashlight on a off to create a strobe effect.

We also have periodic homemade Pizza Nights. Check out our family's killer recipe for homemade pizza - http://www.chocolatecakemoments.com/?p=489

Sue Kirchner
www.ChocolateCakeMoments.com - Tips & Ideas for More Family Fun!

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