The Mamas want to welcome Liz to our ranks. Please help us make her feel at home.
Hi. My name is Liz: long time reader, first time contributor. I am a fan of reading blogs and sites like this one, but have never written for one before. I am a SAHM of two young boys. I grew up in a mostly female household but now find myself the minority in my house full of males. It's been a bit of a learning curve, but I think I'm getting the hang of this testosterone-driven lifestyle. In fact, I might even be starting to like it.
As a life-long New Englander, I tend to love winter. I like wearing sweaters. I like building a big fire in the fireplace, curling up with a good book and sipping hot cocoa. But most of all, I love the snow. In my opinion, there is nothing more exciting than staring down the barrel of a big snow storm. Everyone rushes to the supermarket to stock up on milk and bread (or in my case, ice cream). The news breaks into every program to give us an update on "The Storm of the Century" or "The Blizzard of the Decade" or "The Snowstorm that Will Finally Swallow the Entire Eastern Seaboard". And then the snow starts to fall. Everything outside seems to go completely still. It is quiet. And we all settle into our respective, cozy houses and watch it fall.
Well, you can imagine my dismay, as I watch the DC area get all of these mammoth snow storms while we get NOTHING! Not a flake. Sure, we have had some snow on the ground for months. But we haven't had a big ole Nor'easter in ages. All of my friends in the Mid-Atlantic Region are complaining on Facebook about all of the snow. They don't understand. Yes, it's messy. Yes, it's inconvenient. Yes, it is a pain in the back to shovel. But it is beautiful. And, for those of us with kids, it helps make the wintertime seem like it's just as much fun as the summertime. The sledding. The snowball fights. The sweet snow angels.
So, if you happen to be driving around and see a woman and two small boys wildly dancing around in the driveway, you can be sure that we are doing a snow dance. Bring it on, Mother Nature. We promise to be more appreciative of your offering than those wimps down south!
[Image credit -]
If you corner me at a party and ask me to repeat this out loud, I'll never do it but I agree with you. If it's going to be Arctic frigid, I at least want to see some fresh white stuff on the ground - not dead grass and exhaust-covered ice piles :) Welcome!!
Posted by: Christine Sierra | February 08, 2010 at 09:40 AM
I like the anticipation of the storm, the storm itself, and the first hour or so after. After that, I'm whining that spring can't come soon enough. But I do agree with Christine, I'd rather see mounds of snow than brown slush and ice... How long until April? ;)
Posted by: Tania - Chicky Chicky Baby | February 08, 2010 at 04:48 PM
It's a beautiful scenery, is not it? It seems into a perfect state.
Posted by: super slim pomegranate | July 22, 2011 at 09:57 PM